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The Archaelogical Museum of Spina

Costabili Palace, nicknamed of 'Ludovico il Moro'

The Museum of Spina

Inside the Constabili Palace, one of the most beautiful of Ferrara, has been housed since 1935, the Archaelogical Museum of Spina, the Greek-Etruscan city that laid on the Adriatic coast in what today is the province of Ferrara.

Between the 5th and the 6th century BC it was one of the main commercial ports of the Mediterranean sea.

Thousands of objects are displayed, among them banqueting items which come from Athens and which were part of ancient funeral ware.

The building was projected by Biagio Rossetti, the main architect of Ferrarese Renaissance, for Antonio Costabili, the political representative in Ferrara of Ludovico Sforza, 'the Moor', duke of Milan.  Some beautiful halls of th palace are decorated with precious frescoes of Benvenuto Tisi, nicknamed the 'Garofalo', while the rear garden, in Renaissance style, makes an agreable oasis of peace.

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