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For centuries the city of Ravenna has been the centre of the world: first as the capital city of the Roman Western Empire, then with Theodoric, King of the Goths and finally as a centre of the Byzantine Empire, that transformend notably the architecture of the city and enriched it with monuments and mosaics.
Ravenna is considered one of th emost interesting cities in Emilia Romagna, unique for the number of Paleochristian and Bizantyne monuments the carachterize it.
The central Piazza del Popolo marks the historical heart of the city with the Palazzo del Governo, nowaday the den of the Police Headquarter, and the Townhall, faced by two venitian columns in marble.
The Basilica of San Vitale is among the highest achievements of the Paleochristian art, its interior is decorated with marbles and mosaics, particularly the apse, in brilliant gold and green colors.
Nearby there is another masterpiece: the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, very simple outside in contrast with the richness and harmonic beauty of the mosaics inside, in vivid colors: gold and orange, 'peacock' blue and mossy green.
These and many more are the things that the Art-guide Studio aims to show you along with the surrounding areas: the Salines of Cervia and the Logoon of Comacchio, the Abbey of Pomposa and Adriatic Riviera, the woods and carachteristic fisherman's posts, etc. The entire area is now part of the Unesco Patrimony.

Half day tour:

Basica di San Vitale (*)
Mausoleo di Galla Placidia (*)
Piazza del Popolo
Battistero degli Ariani
Sant'Apollinare Nuovo (*)
Tomba di Dante

Full day tour:

Sant'Apollinare in Classe (**)
Battistero Neoniano (*)
Museo Vescovile (***)
Fortezza Brancaleone
Mausoleo di Teodorico (**)

(*) tkt. valid for 5 museums
(**)  (***) separated tkt.

Art Guide Studio di Lucia Laura Garani - Corso Giovecca 185, 44121 Ferrara, Italy - Cell: +39 338 6986649 - Email: - P IVA 01436640385

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