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Itinerario classico

Visit Mantua with Art-guide Studio: a peculiar town, not too big, beautiful! The city is a special mix of northern italian atmospheres, surrounded by the waters of the river Mincio, which create an extraordinary frame. Mantua has an incredibly rich art-patrimony, mostly due to the Gonzaga Family Lordship and also offers a tasty and varied gastronomy. It great to explore its countryside to discovering many interesting places such as Polirone, Borghetto, Valeggio sul Mincio, great areas for cyclist too!
We offer special guided itineraries connected to the history of the Este Family, who ruled in the Renaissance the near city of Ferrara or we can build up personalized original ones too.

Half day tour:

Palazzo Ducale*
Palazzo Comunale and palazzo della Ragione
Torre dell'Orologio
Rotonda di San Lorenzo
Chiesa di Sant'Andrea (by Leon Battista Alberti)
*Camera degli sposi' by Mantegna, temporary closed due to the earthquake of may 2012

Full day tour:
Palazzo Te (frescoed by Giulio Romano)
Casa del Mantegna

Art Guide Studio di Lucia Laura Garani - Corso Giovecca 185, 44121 Ferrara, Italy - Cell: +39 338 6986649 - Email: - P IVA 01436640385

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