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Itinerario classico

Beautiful city of art and part of the Unesco Word Heritage, Vicenza is known as the city of Palladio, for all the architectural treasures that the famous architect from Padua created here.
The very heart of the city is the Piazza dei Signori, where some important buildings are: the Basilica Palladiana and the annex Tower (82 mt.) with the first clock of the town, the Loggia del Capitaniato, unaccomplished masterpiece of Palladio, frescoed by Titian and Paris Bordone and the Monte di Pietà.
Along Corso Palladio then we will see a caleidoscope of of buildings belonging to the different styles of the Venetian architechture of the past centuries, palaces and churches of notable interest: from piazza Castello with the unaccomplished palazzo Breganze to palazzo Bonin and infront palazzo Piovene. Palazzo Loschi Zieri, middle ‘700, the church of S. Filippo Neri, palazzo Braschi and palazzo Trissino, by Scamozzi, now the Townhall. Then again palazzo Schio, also called the ‘Golden House’, beautiful building of the ‘400, and the church of S. Corona, an imposant romanesque building, that holds paintings of Paolo Veronese and Giovanni Bellini, and further ahead the house of Palladio. Then the famous Olimpic Theatre and, also on piazza Matteotti, palazzo Chiericati other prestigious work of Palladio, now den of the Civic Museum, with an interesting Gallery.
The Duomo, rebuilt several times, the church od S. Caterina and the church of S. Stefano, with paintings of Titian and Palma il Vecchio complete eventually our walking tour.

Art Guide Studio di Lucia Laura Garani - Corso Giovecca 185, 44121 Ferrara, Italy - Cell: +39 338 6986649 - Email: - P IVA 01436640385

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