
Virtual guided tour of Ferrara's National Gallery

Teasing your curiosity

Monday 12 April h.9pm

The Collection is too big, so I decided to divede the presentation in two!

The National Gallery of Ferrara  is located on the nobil floor of Palazzo dei Diamanti , a masterpiece of Renaissance architecture, featuring the magnificent Salone d’Onore and the sixteenth-century apartments of Virginia de’ Medici. The museum offers an important selection of paintings from Ferrara spanning from the thirteenth to the eighteenth centuries: great Medieval fresco  cycles from the Church ofi Saint Bartlemy and the Church of  Saint Andrew; seventeenth-century canvases by Scarsellino , Carlo Bononi  and Guercino ; sketches by the Gandolfi  and Crespi  artist families. Of particular note is the collection of fifteenth-century paintings by the late Gothic masters , followed by Cosmè Tura , Ercole de’ Roberti  and other artists of the Ferrara School alongside painters from other Italian areas, such as Gentile da Fabriano , Mantegna and Carpaccio . Since its creation in 1836, the Pinacoteca has reunited several sixteenth-century altarpieces from churches closed by Napoleon , made by Garofalo  and Bastianino . The former was one of the most talented followers of Raphael in Northern Italy, creating works such as the majestic Costabili Polyptych made in collaboration with the Giorgionesque Dosso Dossi , whilst the latter’s dramatic creations coincided with the end of the Estense domain in Ferrara.

My virtual tour will enable you to detect, through high resolution photos , a miryad of details that you cannot spot on a usual visit and therefore allow you to better appreciate the quality of this vaste collection!

rate 15,00€/pax (Zoom) payment by Paypal or bank transfer

booking: info@artguidestudio.com

Art Guide Studio di Dott.sa Lucia Laura Garani - Corso Giovecca 185, 44121 Ferrara, Italy - Cell: +39 338 6986649 - Email: info@artguidestudio.com - P IVA 01436640385

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